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Stupid Game Entry
Thanks for Deals on clubs!
Complete Demo Sets available
(woods, irons, bag, and some sets include putter)
Ping G5 (lefty-stiff/no putter)
Ping K15 (regular flex/Anser putter)
Rhapsody Ladies (ladies flex/no putter)
Any of the above sets $999
Ping G10 (stiff/Anser putter)
TaylorMade Superfast (regular flex/ghost putter)
TaylorMade Superfast (stiff flex/ghost putter)
TaylorMade Superfast (stiff flex/ghost putter)
Any of the above sets $799
Plus, we have individual clubs for sale!
Thanks for Golf onThanksgiving
We will be open on Thursday!!!
You know you can"t stand your family for the entire day.
Come see us in the morning before the feast,
or bring your bloated carcass out in the afternoon
and work off "the bird".
You can nap later.
Thanks for Stupid Games
From the information that our homepage Avatar gives...
How does she tell wind direction when she is at the course?
If you want to enter, just click on "the survey" in this email
(it"s located in the top left portion of this email)
Thanks for Veterans
Our Vet Specials are continuing through the month of November
Golf deals are aplenty (Irish word)
Thanks for Being Our Customer
You really do keep us in the lap of mediocrity
We really will be open on Thanksgiving Day.
We hired a kid that is lucky to have a job (not that bright).
Plus, we are pretty sure he is an illegal alien (Canadian)
and he"s afraid we"ll turn him in to the Federallies (Mounties)
Apparently, you actually read this crap.
Last week we promised a contest and many of you
have been asking what the contest was going to be.
When we mentioned it last week, we had no idea that we might have to actually come up with somethng.
We came up with the survey question. Voila!
Pretty quick on our gotta admit.
All participants will win a prize...some will win our Grand Prize.
As is typical, we have no idea what the Grand Prize is, yet.
Thanks, to all out Vets. (No Joke)
Thanks, for being our customers. (insert your own joke here)
See ya on the Links
If you can"t have phun can"t have phun! Saddleback Golf Club 8631 Frontier Street Longmont Firestone, CO 80504 Phone: (303) 833-5000
Saddleback Golf Club, 8631 Frontier Street, Longmont Firestone, CO 80504 You are on this e-mail list because you have opted in through our business.
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