Thank you for your interest in the Spirit of Golf Workshop. The SNGA must have 35 committed attendees by March 1, 2012 and payment by March 14, 2012* in order for this amazing clinic to take place. Please fill out the below form and hit send to submit your registration. UPDATE: WE HAVE MET OUR MAXIMUM FOR THE PACKAGE THAT INCLUDES THE PLAYING SESSION ($150 for SNGA, $200 for non SNGA). IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE AN ALTERNATE IN CASE OF A CANCELLATION, PLEASE ANSWER THE QUESTION REGARDING THE PLAYING SESSION PACKAGE. *Refunds will not be given after March 14, 2012.
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Email:
SNGA Members, What Package Would You Like, $100 or $150 ($150 package is sold out, if you want to be an alternate, type SNGA ALTERNATE)?:
Non SNGA Members, What Package Would You Like, $150 or $200 ($200 package is sold out, if you want to be an alternate, type NON SNGA ALTERNATE)?:
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* Write the numbers and letters in the image above

Thank you! The SNGA will contact you with more information.

*Required Field