PGC Instruction Academy Lesson Tip by Pete Cont...

Please think about this: if you tossed a coin to a line, you wouldn’t toss flat-footed. If you tossed a horseshoe forward, it would be the same. You would shift into your right leg with your right leg response shifting into the left leg (The opposite for a lefty). If you have to chip the ball ten feet forward to a target, imagine tossing a ball 10 feet with your right arm. If you have to chip the ball 30 feet forward, imagine tossing a ball 30 feet with your right arm. How would you use your body and your right arm to do this? A weight shift would definitely be used.

Next time you are at a practice green, toss a few balls using this underhand motion. You will notice the body shift, the weight transfer, and you will get an idea of what it takes to make the chip travel different distances.